Wage Increases on Nurses and Nursing Assistants in Critical Care

The Impact of Wage Increases on Nurses and Nursing Assistants in Critical Care

March 26, 20243 min read

It is undeniable that the COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in a newfound respect and value for healthcare professionals, particularly nurses and nursing assistants. This recognition has been most tangibly expressed through notable wage increases for these workers[1][2]. While this development offers numerous advantages, it also presents a unique set of challenges within the realm of critical care nursing.

Benefits of Wage Increases:

Firstly, wage increases can provide a significant morale boost to nurses and nursing assistants. A higher salary acknowledges the demanding nature of their work and the vital role they play in patient care[3]. This acknowledgement can lead to increased job satisfaction, which may ultimately enhance the quality of care provided to patients[4].

Secondly, higher wages can potentially reduce staff turnover rates. The nursing profession, particularly in the realm of critical care, often experiences high attrition rates due to the stressful nature of the work and traditionally low pay[2]. By offering competitive salaries, hospitals and nursing homes can retain experienced and skilled staff, leading to better patient outcomes[6].

Thirdly, substantial wage increases may attract more individuals to the nursing profession, helping to address the ongoing nursing shortage[5]. This could result in a more robust healthcare workforce, better equipped to handle future public health crises.

However, this significant increase in wages for nurses and nursing assistants is not without its drawbacks.

Drawbacks of Wage Increases:

One potential downside is that higher wages could lead to an increase in the cost of healthcare services. Hospitals may need to adjust their pricing to accommodate the increased payroll, which could make healthcare less accessible for some patients[7].

Additionally, there could be disparity issues within the healthcare workforce. If only certain roles receive substantial wage increases, it could create tension among staff members and negatively impact team dynamics[8].

Thirdly, while higher wages might attract more individuals to the nursing profession, it does not necessarily guarantee that these individuals will be equipped to handle the demands of the job. There is a risk that the profession may attract those who are primarily motivated by the high salary, rather than a genuine commitment to patient care[9].

Lastly, the increased wages could potentially lead to an over-reliance on existing staff, with hospitals expecting more from their employees due to the higher pay. This could result in burnout and, ironically, higher turnover rates[10].

In conclusion, while the wage increases for nurses and nursing assistants are a welcome development, it is important for healthcare institutions to consider the potential drawbacks and take steps to mitigate them. Proper management and foresight can ensure that this development truly benefits the healthcare system and the patients it serves.


[1] "The national nursing assistant survey: Improving the evidence base for policy initiatives to strengthen the certified nursing assistant workforce", Oxford Academic, 2009 [2] "Mobility for care workers: job changes and wages for nurse aides", Science Direct, 2012 [3] "Nursing home work practices and nursing assistants' job satisfaction", Oxford Academic, 2009 [4] "Physician assistant wages and employment, 2000-2025", Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, 2015 [5] "Nursing: A closer look at workforce opportunities, education and wages", Central and Eastern European Online Library, 2018 [6] "Why do they stay? Job tenure among certified nursing assistants in nursing homes", Oxford Academic, 2009 [7] "Effects of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansions on the Employment and Work Hours of Nursing Assistants in Hospitals and Nursing Homes", SSRN, 2021 [8] "Cleaning and nursing in hospitals: institutional variety and the reshaping of low-wage jobs", Google Books, 2013 [9] "The relationship between workplace environment and job satisfaction among nursing assistants: Findings from a national survey", Science Direct, 2010 [10] "Changes in skills-mix and pay determination among the nursing workforce in the UK", Cambridge University Press, 2018

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